

The word candle comes from the Latin candela = candle. The candlestick symbolizes the eternal light that is Christ and we are called to imitate Him.

We light it in front of the icons in the Holy Temples, at the Holy Altar, at the Crucifixion behind the Holy Table, at the Holy Intention within the Holy Step.

The Kantili is placed in front of the holy icons and with their light they symbolize the sacrifice of people for their faith.

The candelabrum on the Holy Altar, in front of the Crucified One, inside the Holy Vima, is always kept lit and that is why it is called Sleepless, symbolizing the light of the Lord that he emits to the faithful.

The polycandles illuminate above the Holy gate where the Priest reads the Gospel to the faithful at the Divine Liturgy.

They are made of precious metals and with special decoration.